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Fairfield Elementary Magnet

“A School of Exemplary Academic Growth.”

Discipline Policy

Discipline Policy

Philosophy of Discipline

We believe that by implementing positive behavior supports that our campus will foster a student-centered school environment. This will result in more productive students and happier teachers.  

Moreover, our use of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) decreases office discipline referrals, increases instructional time, and improves student learning, success, and achievement.  

Every pupil is entitled to an education in an orderly, healthy atmosphere, and to structured, fair treatment in all matters pertaining to school life.  Every child shall comply with all rules and regulations having to do with student behavior of both the state and Caddo Parish School Board.  Students attending Fairfield Elementary Magnet are expected to follow the behavior guidelines and uniform codes established by Fairfield.  It is our school policy first to contact parents in all matters pertaining to the inappropriate behavior of students.  A complete Caddo Parish Discipline Policy is available in the school office and is provided to each family at the 

beginning of each school year.

Students who continue to interrupt the school setting such as use of inappropriate language or harassing other students will receive progressively more severe consequences. Out-of-school suspensions for behavior infractions may result in removal of a magnet contract for the next school year. During the 2020-2021 school year 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students were given specific information about not participating in “role” playing games, using inappropriate language, or harassing other students.  

Classroom and Campus Rules

In order to provide a safe, orderly learning environment for each student, procedures,and rules of conduct must be established and adhered to.  Every student is expected to abide by the rules of conduct outlined by the Caddo Parish School Board and the administration and faculty of Fairfield Elementary Magnet.  The following behaviors are unacceptable at Fairfield and all Caddo Parish Schools and will not be tolerated:

  1. Initiating, instigating or participating in a fight or bullying.

  2. Obscene, profane, abusive, violent, satanic, culty, gang related, or drug, including tobacco or alcohol, related language, including writings, and hand signs or pictures are prohibited.

  3. Possessing or using controlled substances, alcohol, matches or lighters on any school campus, school bus, or at any school-sponsored event.

  4. Defacing, stealing or destroying school or personal property.  This includes marking, tearing, or damaging textbooks, furniture, walls, windows, buses, etc.

  5. Striking or threatening a teacher or any other school personnel

  6. Harassment in any form, bullying, hazing or threatening to do bodily harm to another student.

  7. Tardiness

  8. Willful disobedience, disrespecting or defying school personnel (aides, teachers, administrators, bus drivers, custodial or cafeteria staff, etc.) or refusing to comply with any reasonable request of any teacher or any other school personnel while they are performing their official responsibilities.

  9. Failing to carry home or return progress reports, report cards, notes, behavior forms, etc.

  10. Dishonesty, cheating, forging notes and falsifying information

  11. Possessing weapons or imitation weapons or using any tool or instrument to threaten or to do bodily harm such as pocket knives, clubs, or toy/look alike guns.

  12. Bringing toys, purses, magazines, video games, any idevices, cell phones or playground equipment from home, unless preapproved and needed for school is prohibited.  If these items are taken up, parents must pick them up in the office.

  13. Loitering on any school campus or school bus stop while under suspension or during truancy.

  14. Leaving class and/or school campus without permission.

  15. Violating the parish/school dress code or Fairfield uniform policy

  16. Engaging in mutual displays of affection.

  17. Participating in gambling

  18. Chewing gum or eating candy, unless sanctioned by a teacher.

  19. Violating any publicized rule approved by the superintendent that is unique to the individual school provided the school rule is not in conflict with the policies of the school board and the laws of the State of Louisiana.


Academic Dishonesty 

Academic Dishonesty includes cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism. Violation of the honesty policy will keep a student from being admitted to National Elementary Honor Society at the next induction (4th grade only) or will be grounds for dismissal (5th grade only).

Depending on the severity of the infraction, the teacher has the discretion to handle the consequences which may include giving a zero for the assignment without the ability to make up the grade, contact the parents, and/or give another classroom consequence.  The teacher may, and must for multiple instances, refer academic dishonesty to the campus principal and/or instructional coordinator.  Administrators will following Code of Conduct policy (#10 above) for handling academic dishonesty referrals.

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