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Fairfield Elementary Magnet

“A School of Exemplary Academic Growth.”



School Curriculum Meetings

At our Back to School Bash, each teacher has a very important and informative curriculum meeting. It is very important that at least one parent/guardian attend this informational meeting. Schedules, course requirements, and other pertinent information are discussed at this time. This is also a time for you to ask any specific question you have regarding scheduling, homework, etc.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Fairfield encourages parent-teacher conferences. We want parents to be informed on all phases of our school program. Teachers will always be available to talk with parents when prior arrangements have been made. Please call the school office to make an appointment that is convenient for both teacher and parent. It is impossible for a teacher to have a conference with a parent on a drop-in basis. We also discourage drop-in visits as they are often disruptive to the classroom schedule. Parents are also urged to advise teachers of matters which might affect a child’s performance, e.g., the birth of a sibling, illness, divorce or death in the family.

Progress Reports

Samples of student’s work will be sent home for parent’s signature. These reports will be sent home at least every two weeks. Some teachers may send home papers more frequently. These papers are to be signed and returned to the teachers.

By the fifth week of each nine-week grading period, parents and students will be notified in writing of grade averages below the grade of D.

Fairfield Magnet Grading Scale


Homework Policy

Homework is a way of improving study habits and reinforcing skills. The amount and type or homework are planned according to the student’s grade level. Please check with your child’s teacher for individual homework policies.

 Our homework goals and/or objectives include the following:
  • To train pupils in good work habits.
  • To enrich and extend school experiences.
  • To afford opportunities for increasing self-direction.
  • To help children budget time and stimulate effort.
  • To bring pupils into contact with out-of-school learning resources.
  • To practice skills learned in class.
Parents are urged to arrange a quiet, comfortable place, with ample space and sufficient light for the child’s work.

Approximate Homework Time Schedule:

Grades 3, 4, and 5………………60 minutes

All students work at different rates, and some children will take longer to complete the required work. If homework exceeds the times listed above on a consistent basis, please contact your child’s teacher. For any homework policy to be effective, the parents must cooperate with the teacher in seeing that the work is completed and returned to the teacher. Homework should be the child’s responsibility and not the parents; however, the parents may point out principles involved, help give instructions, make needed suggestions, and check to see if homework is complete.


Students most readily acquire a second language during their early school years. Students at Fairfield are taught Spanish as an enrichment. This language is presented with a conversational approach in a pleasant manner. The goal is to develop an ability to speak and understand the language.


All students at Fairfield Magnet have music instruction weekly. Our certified instructor provides music education with an emphasis in voice, instrumentation, and movement.

All students may participate in the Strings Orchestra Program. Students must provide their instruments. They receive instruction weekly.


All students receive art instruction once a week. This instruction includes art history and appreciation, as well as a development of specific art techniques. Students in fifth grade may participate in Art Club. This provides specified training to a group of interested students one hour per week.

Physical Education

All students attend physical education weekly taught by a certified physical education teacher. The physical education program emphasizes aerobics, sports, games, and gymnastics. The Fairfield Running Club is available to second and third grade students, and PAW club is offered to fourth and fifth grade students.


Referral for Gateway testing is based on the recommendation of the School Building Level Committee. Parents and teachers can request a screening of a student for Gateway. Scores from the ITBS are used to determine eligibility as determined by the State Department of Education. Screening of aptitude, as well as reading and math achievement, is done by the counselor if scores are not available from standardized tests. High percentile scores in these three areas are necessary for a complete evaluation by CPSB Special Education.

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Caddo Parish School Board has a clear policy on absences- excused, unexcused, and tardies. When a child returns to school following an absence, a note should be sent to the teacher stating the reason for the absence. A physician’s statement must be submitted if a child is under the care of a doctor. If a student has been ill but has no doctor’s excuse, a parental note will allow make-up work. All excuses should be submitted no less than three days after the absence.

A doctor’s note is required for all absences after the 10th in one school year.

A student in elementary school must attend a minimum of 160 days per year to receive credit for the school year. Those who have more than 20 unexcused absences will be retained in the same grade. Students at Fairfield have the additional requirement of having 90% or better attendance. J-Campus automatically notifies the Attendance Supervisor for Caddo Parish Public Schools who is required by law to file truancy documation with the court.  

Students may not check out early on a regular basis.  In order to facilitate preparing students for dismissal students cannot be checked out from 2:15 - 2:50 pm except to go to a doctor’s appointment.

The Louisiana State Department of Education states students may be excused from school without penalty for these reasons only:

  • Illness of self with a doctor’s excuse

  • Death in the family

  • Established religious holidays

  • School business (Ex. Science Fair)

Tip for Parents: Always write a note and submit it to the school within 3 days of the absence. Include on the note the student’s name, date(s) absent, reason for absence, and parent signature.

Academic Probation/Dismissal

Fairfield is a magnet school with an established criteria for admittance. These are standards each child must meet to attend our school. We try our best to ensure that each child is successful and meets these standards.

Occasionally a child has difficulty with behavior or academic progress, and it becomes necessary to not only provide assistance but to ensure that these students and their parents are aware of the seriousness of the situation.

The following guidelines will be in effect for this school year. We feel it is important that all parents be notified in writing of the school’s expectations.

  • The first D or F on the report in conduct, reading, or math will result in the student being placed on academic/behavioral probation*. Parents will be notified in writing.
  • Two or more D’s or F’s on the report card in any subjects during one nine week reporting will result in the student’s being placed on academic/behavioral probation*
  • If after being placed on academic/behavioral probation*, a student continues to experience difficulties (that are backed up by report card grades), the student will be dismissed at the end of the school year. A second D/F in conduct, reading, or math will result in dismissal from school.

Academic/behavioral probation means that parents are notified that the student is having difficulty and that academics/behavior will be monitored for the remainder of the year. If improvement is not made, the student is dismissed from Fairfield.

Make-Up Work

When a student has an excused absence (brings a note or doctor’s excuse within 3 days of the absence), he/she should ask teachers for missed assignments immediately upon his/her return to school.

Students missing one or two days will be allowed to complete missed assignments upon return to school. 

Contact the campus if your child will be absent more than two days.

For extended absences notify the campus and teacher.  Assignments may be given electronically or prepared by teachers for pick up.

Students who go on vacation during academic days will not be allowed to make-up work. Going on vacation is not an excused absence.  Contact the campus principal in advance of the vacation to develop an action plan.
GoMath – Grade 3, 4, and 5 on the ipad
IXL – Math, Science, Social Studies, and ELA
Common Core Test Prep Books
Paired Passages (May go up in Grade Level)
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