Attendance Policy
Caddo Parish School Board has a clear policy on absences- excused, unexcused, and tardies. When a child returns to school following an absence, a note should be sent to the teacher stating the reason for the absence. A physician’s statement must be submitted if a child is under the care of a doctor. If a student has been ill but has no doctor’s excuse, a parental note will allow make-up work. All excuses should be submitted no less than three days after the absence.
A doctor’s note is required for all absences after the 10th in one school year.
A student in elementary school must attend a minimum of 160 days per year to receive credit for the school year. Those who have more than 20 unexcused absences will be retained in the same grade. Students at Fairfield have the additional requirement of having 90% or better attendance. J-Campus automatically notifies the Attendance Supervisor for Caddo Parish Public Schools who is required by law to file truancy documation with the court.
Students may not check out early on a regular basis. In order to facilitate preparing students for dismissal students cannot be checked out from 2:15 - 2:50 pm except to go to a doctor’s appointment.
The Louisiana State Department of Education states students may be excused from school without penalty for these reasons only:
Illness of self with a doctor’s excuse
Death in the family
Established religious holidays
School business (Ex. Science Fair)
Tip for Parents: Always write a note and submit it to the school within 3 days of the absence. Include on the note the student’s name, date(s) absent, reason for absence, and parent signature.